This session gathers authors of the latest publications in the Special Issue of Planning, Transport and Healthy Ageing in Asia for the Journal of Transport & Health.
Older adults’ staying at home in greater Tokyo: Association with population density and roles of carownership and public transport.
Causal mediation analysis of social and environmental factors in pathways from a metro intervention to eudaimonic wellbeing among older people.
Associations of Heat Exposure and Mobility-related Injuries among Older Motorcyclists in Taiwan.
A Questionnaire Study on Outings Among Older Adults Living in Tokyo: Transport and Healthy Aging in Japan.
What’s that there? A study of how accurately older adults perceive urban interventions in their neighborhoods.
Understanding residents’ walking patterns in Singapore neighbourhood. invited to join as a panellist on “Planning, Transport, and Healthy Ageing in Asia"
Planning, Transport, and Healthy Ageing in Asian Cities