Chris Webster
Chair Professor in Urban Planning and Development Economics
The University of Hong Kong
Professor Chris Webster is a Chair Professor at the …
3D pedestrian network of Hong Kong
Are gated communities capturing the lion’s share of metro-created accessibility in Chinese cities?
Walkability scoring in high-density cities
When later life faces urban redevelopment
Pricing urban design in metro station areas
Ungating the city for a sustainable future
Walking environment around metro stations
Are Gated Communities Capturing the Lion’s Share of Metro Accessibility?
Global Street Experiment: A Geospatial Database of Pandemic-induced Street Transitions
Natural experiments in healthy cities research: how can urban planning and design knowledge reinforce the causal inference?
The effects of metro interventions on physical activity and walking among older adults: A natural experiment in Hong Kong
Does China-Pakistan Economic Corridor improve connectivity in Pakistan? A protocol assessing the planned transport network infrastructure
Metro and elderly health in Hong Kong: protocol for a natural experiment study in a high-density city
Walkability scoring: Why and how does a three-dimensional pedestrian network matter?
New metro system and active travel: A natural experiment
Unravelling the impact of street network structure and gated community layout in development-oriented transit design
Connecting the city: A three-dimensional pedestrian network of Hong Kong
Ungating the city: A permeability perspective
Measuring high-density built environment for public health research: Uncertainty with respect to data, indicator design and spatial scale
Objective assessment of station approach routes: Development and reliability of an audit for walking environments around metro stations in China